Thursday, July 15, 2010

Garlic Harvest THIS SATURDAY!

It's time to pull the stinking rose.
Come out to Birch Point this Sunday from 11 a.m. til 3 p.m. to help harvest, bunch, count, and hang garlic in the red barn. Snacks and drinks provided- bring a picnic lunch if you like! Friends, family, folks of all ages welcome. Bring gloves, work clothes, weather-appropriate clothing (hats, long sleeves, and/or sunscreen), water bottles.

I know this is short notice, but the garlic is looking GOOD! and if we wait til next weekend, it may be past its prime. So come out for any or all of the 4-hour harvest party, and take home the first garlic of 2010.

Looking forward to sharing the tradition of eating one raw, fresh clove of the first harvest with you all,

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